Semiconductor Emitters
ILPI-135A semiconductor emitter
The ILPI-135A pulsed semiconductor laser emitter has the MOCVD AlGaAs/GaAs laser diode array, the case and the cover with a glass window. The device is designed to be used as an emission source in illuminators, rangefinders and medical systems.
ILPI-137A semiconductor emitter
The ILPI-137A pulsed semiconductor laser emitter has the MOCVD AlGaAs/GaAs laser diode array, the case and the cover with a glass window. The device is designed to be used as an emission source in illuminators, rangefinders and medical systems.
ILPN-246 high-stability laser diode emitter
The ILPN-246 high-stability laser diode emitter is designed to be used in a space cesium atomic-beam tube with optical pumping. The emitter may be used in magnetometers, high-resolution spectroscopy, metrology, data coherent transmission and information processing systems.